
April | 2009 | Drmarcia"s Blog

Keep Your Ovaries Ladies April 28, 2009

Filed under: holistic health,homeopathy,Uncategorized — Gulf Coast Well Pets @ 10:53 am
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The above is an article showing the the allopathic medical community’s quick rush to full hysterectomy for benign conditions may be causing the early deaths of millions of women. I personally don’t understand the lack of value placed on the female reproductive system. Once your past 40, it becomes more difficult to convince an obgyn that you should keep your female organs. I recently went to a new Obgyn group for a benign ovarian cyst and some heavy bleeding. Okay I am 46 years old , probably nearing “that time” and all, so I expect a few changes to happen.

I wanted the O.B. to tell me why I was having these two issues and their answer was we don’t know (fair enough) but, you need a full hysterctomy and let’s schedule that for next week. Whoa Nelly! Let’s slow down and think this over. The doctor was actually quite surprised when I said NO! Just because I don’t want another baby, doesn’t mean I am not using my body parts. When a man becomes impotent.. do they recommend castration to reduce the risk of testicular cancer and prostate disease..ah NO!

Ladies, don’t fall for this ruse, get all the facts before you allow what amounts to genital mutilation to be performed on YOUR body.

I called my trusted homeopath, Dr. Karl Robinson (see about homeopathy). He took my case and prescribed a new remedy, problem solved!


Polo Horse Deaths: pharmacy error! April 24, 2009


 The needless deaths of a string of  prized polo horses in South Florida has been determined to be the result of pharmacy error! Looking at the stats below for human pharmaceutical errors should we be surprised that a miscalculation by a compounding pharmacist would result in the death of animals given the “tainted” formula? This is one of the biggest problems with drug based therapies. How can you be sure the drug you were prescribed is the one that you are actually given?

One other consideration is the dependence of the  sport horse community on “performance enhancers”. Just like the human sports world, talent doesn’t seem to be enough.  Every trainer has their special blends of drugs and supplements supposed to make the horse a better athalete. What really happpens is the horses are injured younger and they have much shorter careers than in times past. We are breeding and training “flash in the pan” horses without the stamina and long term health to perform into their middle age, or even much beyond puberty.

My friend and trainer Ginny Padgett and I still have a dream of raising a healthy horse  to run naturally and win. I think this goal is  very obtainable.  We just need to find a horse owner willing to “buck” the current system.






Medication Error Statistics

Medication errors are a

common occurrence and

continue to be a problem in

the health care industry. It

is estimated that the annual

cost of drug-related morbidity

and mortality is nearly

$ 177 billion in the United








Approximately 7,000

deaths occur each year and

medication errors occur in just

about 1 of every 5 doses given

in hospitals.





The FDA states

that there is at least one death

per day and 1.3 million people

are injured each year due to

medication errors.





The National Coordinating

Council for Medication

Error (NCCMERP) defi nes a

medication error as being “any

preventable event that may

cause or lead to inappropriate

medication use or patient

harm, while the medication

is in the control of the health

care professional, patient or consumer.” Such events may be related to professional

practice, health care products, procedures and systems including: prescribing; order

communication; product labeling, packaging and nomenclature; compounding; dispensing;

distribution; administration; education monitoring; and use.






Common causes of medication errors include incorrect diagnosis, prescribing errors,

drug-drug related reactions, dose miscalculations, incorrect drug administration and lack of

patient education. Other factors that can contribute are job-related stress, improper training

or education and sound-alike look-alike packaging of medications.






did aal etPhillips J.

retrospective analysis of medication errors between 1993 – 1998 and found that the most

common types of errors were from administering improper dose (40.9%; 36.4% being

overdose), wrong drug (19%), and wrong route of administration (9.5%). The investigators

also found that the most common causes of errors were performance and knowledge

defi cits (44%) and communication errors (15.8%).





By Steven Morgan, Pharm.D. Pharmacy Practice Resident




A Joint Publication from the University Health System Pharmacy Department, Risk Management and Ambulatory Services

Editor: Brandi Kelly, Pharm. D


EPA to Investigate “spot on” Flea Products April 23, 2009

Here is a link to an excellent article on the dangers of flea and tick products. http://www.apnm.org/publications/resources/fleachemfin.pdf

It seems that the epa has received numorous complaints about topical flea control products. I have seen the list of products that the epa is investigating. It includes, promeris, frontline, hartz products, biospot, among others. Let’s take a closer look at the investigation and what you need to worry about as well as how to protect your pet.

There is a huge difference among the active ingredients in “spot on” flea products. THIS IS WHAT YOU REALLY NEED TO KNOW:  there is a big difference between the new flea products generally sold through the veterinarian and spot on  products available at major retailers. THAT DIFFERENCE IS THE ACTIVE INGREDIENT: many over the counter products available at major retailers or feed stores contain ORGANOPHOSPHATE INSECTICIDES.  These were the products we used 20 years ago because it was all we had. There is a VERY limited margin of safety with organophosphate (permethrin, pyrethrin) products. If you fail to follow manufacturers directions or if you accidentally apply an product made for dogs on cats, the result can be disastrous.  “Back in the Day:, we treated many cases of organophosphate toxicity caused by this products, not always successfully.

The bottom line, is that you need to read the package, not all products are created equally. Any product containing either or permethrin or pyrethrin should be avoided at all costs, there are safer products available. 

Frontline and advantage both  contain active ingredients with a wider margin of safety. The primary complaint I hear after application of these products is local irritation and itching at the site of application. Occasionally, I see transient hyperactivity associated with these products. I have yet to see death associated with these products.

That said, you as a pet guardian, should work on environmental control and not put chemicals directly on your pet. Approximately 75% of the flea burden exists in the environment and not on the pet. So, controlling fleas in the environment is more important that treating them on  the pet itself.

The other thing that needs to be discussed is that HEALTHY PET’S  DON’T ATTRACT FLEAS!  If you are actively engaged in a program of holistic health for your pet, you will notice a drop in the flea population naturally over time.  How great is that!


Study Shows Homeopathy to be as Effective as Conventional Medicine April 14, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — Gulf Coast Well Pets @ 1:06 am

Here is a link to a study showing that homeopathy is as effective as conventional medicine in treating acute respiratory and ear disorders. http://homeopathyresource.wordpress.com/2009/04/13/study-shows-homeopathy-as-effective-as-conventional-medicine-in-treating-acute-respiratory-and-ear-complaints/


More on the Clinical Success of Homeopathy April 12, 2009

Filed under: drug alternatives,flu vaccine,holistic health,homeopathy,pet care — Gulf Coast Well Pets @ 6:11 pm
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Homeopathy In the Time of Epidemic

David Riley was asked to study the evidence for homeopathy. He thought it was baloney, but researched it, and the results surprised him. He published his research in Lancet and said, either homeopathy works or the double blind placebo trial is flawed. So David Riley presented the research. This is good, but not enough to show the effectiveness of homeopathy. So I presented a sixteen page paper on the historical evidence for homeopathy from its treatment of epidemics. The conference I presented it at was held in the University of Connecticut Health Center in September 2003 and called “Statistics for Homeopathic Practice.” I gave my talk to eighty medical students during lunch. When I started talking about iatrogenic illness, everyone stopped talking and eating. At the end of my talk fifteen students asked me how they could learn homeopathy. I was asked for this paper, but I replied I should flesh it out more and do a fuller study.

My current version has more than 200 pages. Bradford wrote the Pioneers of Homeopathy and the Logic of Figures. But I took little from his book, because not all his results were from genuine homeopathy. In London the death rate during an epidemic from allopathy was 70% and from homeopathy was 33%. But this wasn’t genuine homeopathy. When you get the statistics for genuine homeopathy it would be 6% or less. They got the health statistics and compared the death rates in 1898 for allopathy and homeopathy. If you compute what the death rate would be for average homeopathy if homeopathy was universally used, of the 70 million people then living in the United States 500 thousand people who died that year would have still been alive. Once I collated all the evidence I saw that the greater the success of homeopathy as compared to the failure of allopathy, the greater the political repression that followed. But no one knows this story. The plan of the book goes disease by disease, starting with typhus. Typhus was spread by Napoleon’s army. 200,000 soldiers of Napoleon’s army died from during the retreat from Russia. One hundred eighty three of them were treated by Hahnemann and his death rate was zero.

There is not a single report showing the superiority of allopathy over genuine homeopathy. That holds true up to the present day. The death rate from homeopathy in the 19th century is better than the results obtained by modern medicine. For example, pneumonia. One out of twenty five will die of it. It is the eighth leading cause of death. Today the average death rate is 18%. When acquired from community it is 12% and when acquired in a hospital it is 50-70% percent. With allopathy, before 1912 the death rate was 32%. With homeopathy the death rate was 4%. Allopaths claim homeopaths only treat easy cases. But Sir William Wilde examined the hospitals and said the cases in homeopathic hospitals was fully as virulent as in allopathic hospitals. P.P. Wells said, “A 2-3% death rate is still too high for pure homeopathy, I have treated patients for 43 years who had pneumonia and have not lost a single case.” My own experience is that I have treated 120 cases, some on their death beds and not lost a single case. One patient was in a coma with cancer of the lung. His niece, a nurse, gave me a report of his symptoms and he recovered quickly. He lived another six months. Another patient of mine with AIDS and pneumocystic pneumonia did not respond to antibiotics. He developed cryptococcal meningitis. The treatment for this led to kidney and liver failure. They put him on high doses of prednisone. He was comatose and was on morphine because of pain of meningitis. The patient recovered after homeopathic treatment. So its unthinkable that anyone treated properly for simple pneumonia would die.

An editor of a medical journal challenged Lippe to publish his mandatory report to the state for the two previous years. He had not lost a single case ill from acute disease. He had the largest medical practice in Philadelphia. In 1849 here was an epidemic of scarlet fever. Lippe treated over 150 cases and lost none. Allopaths lost 90% of their cases and the rest were crippled for life. These results are not unique to Lippe. The homeopathic literature is full of these stories. When there was an epidemic of cholera in New York in 1849 the public demanded that the authorities convert one of the hospitals to homeopathy. They refused. In Genoa a rich person tried to build a hospital to treat victims of cholera with homeopathy. The authorities refused. This sort of response was universal. It was not just the AMA. If homeopathy were universally used, there would be a dramatic drop in the death rate. But people are trying to destroy homeopathy. Not only the morbidity from disease, the morbidity from allopathic treatment would be eliminated. Between 450,000 and 500,000 people a year die each year from iatrogenic disease. There is not just death, there are long term bad results from allopathic treatment. The doctor who organized a conference on autism said his child was normal at two years old. She got a vaccination, screamed all night long, then stopped talking.

In Carlisle Lippe had treated scarlet fever. An allopathic doctor, John Armstrong, had lost all the cases he had treated. Then three of his four children came down with scarlet fever and he went to Lippe. They were cured and he became a homeopath and moved to New Jersey. I think it was because he had treated his own children differently than his other patients and felt guilty.

Greed, prejudice, arrogance, contempt for truth, and ignorance dominate our so-called modern society. We have to fight for homeopathy. The American Revolution has not happened yet. Breaking from England is not as beneficial as homeopathy would be. The AMA was formed with the goal of destroying homeopathy. Homeopathic practitioners earned twice as much as allopathic physicians. Allopaths started converting their practice, but didn’t learn the principles of homeopathy. In 1880 not one school of homeopathy was teaching the Organon. Nash said he had never heard of it until he graduated.

In Quebec all tradespeople have access to homeopathy as part of their insurance coverage. In the US life insurance policies once gave a discount to their clients who used homeopathy on the proven actuarial evidence that their death rates were lower.

I plan to publish my book on April 10, 2005, the 250th anniversary of Hahnemann. In my book I also show the value of the prophylactic value of homeopathy.




What the Conventional Medical Establishment doesn’t want you to Know

Homeopathy has a very successful history in both the US and Europe.  Despite what the “evidence based” medical community would say about homeopathy not being proven to be effective. It has proven itself over and over again in the face of the worlds more deadly epidemics to be superior to conventional medical therapy. The following link will take you to a very interesting slide presentation showing the effectiveness of classical homeopathy in the treatment of: influenza, chlorea, diptheria.



Pets in Need Clinic April 9, 2009

Pets in Need Clinic (PINC)Dr. Marcia’s Pets in Need Clinic will be held on July 12th at Calusa Veterinary Center in Boca Raton. (www.cvcboca.com). We hope to be able to offer low cost basic veterinary healthcare to people affected by todays economic crisis. If you would like to donate, or volunteer, contact Dr. Marcia at martin@cvcboca.com.


Pancreatitis and Vaccines

We have recently been discussing whether or not there is a corrolation between vaccines and pancreatitis. I admit the studies I sited where all human studies. But, it should still make us think..are vaccines behind the rise in pancreatitis that we are seeing in both dogs and cats.

Today, I was presented with a 1 year old dachshund with severe abdominal pain and vomiting of 12 hours duration. The clinical signs are consistent with mild pancreatitis. I will admit his lab work was within the normal range and did not CONFIRM pancreatitis as the diagnosis. But pancreatitis by conventional medical standards can be very difficult to diagnose.  For  me, if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck.. I will call it a duck. So, he has symptoms consistent with pancreatitis. The kicker.. this dog was vaccinated just last week. Not with a dhlppc combo vaccine but a DAP vaccine.  By conventional standards, this would not be considered a vaccine reaction, as those must occur with in 24 hours of a vaccine. From a classical homeopathic standpoint, this is quite clearly a vaccine reaction. There are no coincidences in medicine.

So, can I prove this dog has pancreatitis, No, I can not. Am I suspicious that he has pancreatitis induced by last weeks vaccines? Yes, I am. I know there is no “scientific evidence” in this case. But it does make me think and it should make you think also.


Pets in Need Clinic (PINC) April 8, 2009

Continued Area Hardship Prompts Second Pets in Need Clinic and a
Mobile PINC “Meals on Wheels”
Henrietta, NY – For three hours one Saturday afternoon in February –inspired by President Obama’s recent call to service – Henrietta Animal Hospital owner Dr. Michelle Brownstein held her very first Pets in Need Clinic (PINC) to provide basic veterinary medical support to dogs and cats whose owners have fallen on hard times.  “The outpouring of support from the community was overwhelming,” said Dr. Brownstein.  “With 25 people volunteering their time, we were able to see more than 20 pet owners with 30 dogs and cats in real need of fundamental veterinary services.” 
Two months later, if anything, that need has increased, and Dr. Brownstein is offering a second PINC on Saturday, April 25 from 12-3 pm at the Henrietta Animal Hospital (3156 East Henrietta Road).  Local veterinarian Dr. Edward Gschrey from South Towne Veterinary Hospital in Henrietta was moved by Dr. Brownstein’s efforts, and will be joining her for the April PINC to increase the number of pets that can be served.  Some of the recipients of services from the first PINC will be “paying it forward” by helping to volunteer their time on April 25.
In addition to doing her part in the Rochester area, Dr. Brownstein has gone global with PINC.  “From the beginning, my hope was to challenge other vets across the country to set up their own Pets in Need Clinics – as well as others in their individual areas of expertise,” she said.  Through her national veterinary networks, she posted information about PINC, offering to share her expertise and her Henrietta Animal Hospital model to build the PINC concept. 
The media attention and word-of-mouth from her successful PINC has resulted in interest from national media as well as veterinarians in California, Tennessee, Florida, and Missouri ready to take up her challenge.  “I’m happy to share our model to help them replicate PINC in their areas,” she said, noting that her efforts started with “a lot of personal calls and letters to local organizations such as the American Red Cross, United Way, Catholic Family Center, Jewish Family Service, Open Door Mission, Salvation Army, Veterans Outreach Center, and Visiting Nurse Service, followed by calls for volunteers, and food and medical suppliers, distributors, and manufacturers.”
In addition, Dr. Brownstein is working with a colleague from the Visiting Nurse Service of Rochester and Monroe County to join him for a “mobile” PINC on Saturday, April 18, as he delivers food to shut-ins through Meals on Wheels.   Henrietta Animal Hospital also has joined the Nevada-based “Feeding Pets of the Homeless,” and will be a collection site for dog and cat food drop-off.  Details will be available through the Henrietta Animal Hospital website and the PINC facebook site.
As it did with the first PINC, the upcoming April 25 Pets in Need Clinic targets recently laid-off workers, people who have lost their homes or suffered disasters, veterans who have fallen on hard times, or those for whom the economic downturn has affected their ability to provide basic veterinary care for their pets.   Two mandatory documents will be required in advance:  a signed referral letter from a social worker, case worker, or member of the clergy, and a registration form.  The registration form is downloadable from www.henriettahosp.com.  Both documents need to be received by April 19.  The referral letter and the registration document can be faxed to Henrietta Animal Hospital at 585-321-9975, emailed to drbrownstein@henriettahosp.com , or mailed to Henrietta Animal Hospital, 3156 East Henrietta Road, Henrietta, NY 14467. 
The Clinic will provide distemper and rabies vaccines, preventive de-worming for dogs and cats, heartworm testing for dogs, feline leukemia testing for outdoor cats, and a complimentary dose of heartworm pills.  Limited amounts of food also will be available.  Drs. Brownstein and Gschrey will be donating their time, and all goods and services will be free of charge, although a minimal payment is suggested, as Dr. Brownstein believes in pet owners having a vested interest in their pets’ health care.
PINC also is looking for volunteers to help out during the clinic times with greeting, registration, data entry, and other non-medical duties.  Volunteers are encouraged to sign up early and can do so by calling 585-334-3800, or visit www.henriettahosp.com and click on PINC Volunteer.
For more information about PINC, please call the Henrietta Animal Hospital at 585-334-3800, or visit the PINC Facebook site.

Dr Marcia has accepted Dr. Brownstein’s challenge!  I will be holding a PINC clinic in Boca Raton in late June or early July. If you want to help or donate to this great cause contact dr. brownstein at the above address or drmarcia at drmarcia39@gmail.com.

DrMarcia is already a member of Feeding Pets of the Homeless. www.petsofhomeless.org. This a great organization helping to provide food to pets whose owners otherwise may not be able to afford it.  Food donations can be left at Calusa Veterinary Clinic, 6900 Congress Avenue Boca Raton florida (www.cvcboca.com). Broward county Meals on Wheels will pick up and distribute the food to seniors in need.

By working with PINC and Feeding Pets of the Homeless, we are hoping that distressed families will be able to keep their beloved pets happy and healthy even in these difficult times. It really is the very least we can do to sure that fewer animals end up in shelters.




This is a very moving story of the relationship of a man suffering from prostate cancer and his relationship with his beloved 10 year old miniature poodle. It is a hard story for anyone with training in alternative medicine to read. He talks of all the health problems his little dog suffers from and the long list of drugs the dog must take: The problems include:

  • seizures

  • recurring bladder infections

  • painful arthritis

  • and urinary incontinence

You can look at this from the conventional drug paradigm and give a drug for each symptom: the way she is currently being treated.

We can look at it from a classical homeopathic standpoint. This is a clear picture of vaccine damage. Vaccines have been scientifically proven to cause or exacerbate seizures.  They have also be shown to cause cystitis in cats (we can translate this to dogs and other animals). Arthritis is chronic inflammation exacerbated by repeated vaccines. This dog would greatly benefit from a properly prescribed homeopathic remedy. He quality of life would improve dramatically and some of the medications could  probably be discontinued.

From a Traditional Chinese Medicine standpoint this is a clear picture of deficiency in the kidney meridian. The kidney meridian is associated with the bones and the marrow (which includes the brain) as well as the actually actual organs of kidneys and bladder. By strengthening this meridian through acupuncture and Chinese herbal therapy this little dog could have a much better quality of life.

We need to learn to look outside the box, especially when the treatment being given is not providing adequate quality of life. He describes this dog as though it is aged and close to death. Remember she is only 10 years old. This is barely middle aged for a mini-poodle and yet she suffers from several issues associated with old age. She is way too young to be this old.


