
Pancreatitis & Diabetes In Dogs Can Pancreatitis In Dogs Be Spread From One Pet To Another?

Can Pancreatitis in dogs be spread from one pet to another? – pancreatitis & diabetes in dogs

We have taken our dog, a few months. Toward the end, he developed pancreatitis (among many other things, he has) in recent years, such as diabetes and epilepsy. We have) a new dog (dog and I’m cleaning the teeth with the toothbrush you use up on my other dog’s teeth clean. I know it can be like a good idea, but never a toothbrush that often anyway. He was only 4 when we settled. Is it possible that pancreatitis can my dog to spread my ex-dog again with the same toothbrush? I prefer when a veterinarian, veterinary technician, or even someone with experience in biology could answer this question. Thank you.

