
Help Us Help Daisy And The MidAmerica Boston Terrier Rescue

Help Us Help Daisy And The MidAmerica Boston Terrier Rescue

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[Update 8/18/2013] We have an update from our friends at the MidAmerica Boston Terrier Rescue! “Many of you red her story on August 8th. Daisy continues to do well making medical improvements daily. She now has a big smile on her face that was not there before. Though improvement is seen she still has a way to go til she is 100%. Daisy will be up for adoption soon.”  We promise we’ll keep you updated on all things Daisy! In the mean time, please read the original story below if you haven’t yet. Thanks for all of your generosity!

daisy boston terrier smile

Read the original story below:

Our friends at the MidAmerica Boston Terrier Rescue need our help. We got an email from out friend Jennifer within the organization about a sweet little girl who needs our help. As always, we are not asking for donations, all we ask is that you help us spread her story. Jennifer tells us:

“Daisy’s story – Daisy arrived to MidAmerica Boston Terrier Rescue on July 19 and currently being fostered in Colo. We received a call from her owners that they could no longer care for their 6 year old boston. We were informed she had diarrhea and dry eye. Unfortunately when she arrived her case was more severe then expected. First Daisy did not have dry eye, she had an ulcer which needed medication. After multiple tests we have diagnosed Daisy with a severe case of Irritable Bowel Syndrome, gastrointestinal (GI) disorder, and Pancreatitis. Both of these conditions are common in Bostons and require medication and a special diet to treat.

As you can see from her picture she was a skeleton when she arrived. It is important that owners take action and get their dogs to a vet when the dog is starting to loose weight. More likely there is a medical reason behind it.

midamerica boston terrier rescue

Daisy is being treated under Pets on Broadway Animal Hospital in Denver, CO.  We thank her foster mom, Jessie, for providing her excellent care and cleaning up after her.  She is on a special diet and medication for her IBS. She also gets a pancreas powder in her dog food to assist her pancreas and last a shot of vitamin B once a week.

She is a fighter and in just a two weeks is putting on some weight. She has a long way to do as we are still working on the diarrhea, which is a symptom that will be controlled once she is stable.

Learn more about IBS at http://digestive.niddk.nih.gov/ddiseases/pubs/ibs/
Would like to donate towards Daisy’s medical bills you can at http://www.adoptaboston.com/help/donate/.

Thanks and we will keep you informed on her progress.”

You can also follow her story on the MidAmerica Boston Terrier Rescue Facebook page here: http://www.facebook.com/MABTR

