
Can Dogs Eat Nuts

Dogs Can Eat Peanuts!

can-dogs-eat-peanutsWhile many nuts are harmful to dogs, since peanuts are not actually nuts they are safe to eat Peanuts as is Peanut Butter. The peanut, or groundnut (Arachis hypogaea), is a bean or seed found in the legume family.

While some people maybe allergic to peanuts, it doens’t seem any dogs are. Most dogs appear to have no reactions to peanuts, and we all know how much dogs love peanut butter and how many peanut butter flavored treats there are for dogs in the market. However with any new food, start your dog off with a moderate portion to ensure that there are no allergies or intolerances to the food.

While canned Peanuts are fine for dogs, the best would be plain pealed peanuts.  Any flavorings, salt, sugar and fat in processed peanuts can result to medical problems or upset stomaches if the dog ingests large quantities.

Note also that dogs’ teeth are not designed for fine grinding like human back teeth are. Like many things your dogs gulps down, whole peanuts are likely to be swallowed in large chunks. This could lead to constipation if your dog eats a lot of peanuts in one sitting.

Peanuts are a great source of protein but note that this people food is high in calories, so don’t over do the portions if your dog is older, more sedentary or has to sit in a crate all day while you are at work.

Make sure that you shell your dogs peanuts. While they are not harmful or poisonous and other than dietary fiber, peanut shells offer virtually no nutritional value eating them could cause intestinal issues or constipation.

Dogs Can Eat Peanut Butter!

Can Dogs Eat Peanut ButterMost dogs love Peanut Butter. Choose an organic or all natural brand if you can, preferably with less or no sugar. Peanut butter is a good source of vitamins, protein and healthy fats. Preferably, you want the ingredients to list peanuts only. A lot of sugar, salt and preservatives don’t make for a healthy choice. Better yet, buy some peanuts and drop them in the food processor with some peanut oil and make your dog fresh peanut butter.

Serving idea: Make a doggie Peanut Butter and Banana treat. Mash a ripe banana with a heaping tablespoon of peanut butter. Stuff in a Kong and freeze. This will entertain your dog for quite some time and provide a healthy snack.

Peanut Butter very popular treat for dogs, and in most cases will not be hazardous for your pet. Like people, though, some dogs are allergic to peanut butter, and you should take your pet to a veterinarian if you see signs of this including irritated skin, hair loss, or ear infections. Also, while peanut butter is a good source of protein, it is high in fat and calories. If you have an older more sedentary dog you should only use it as an infrequent snack.

Dogs Can’t Eat Almonds!

Can-Dogs-Eat-AlmondsDogs love the taste of almonds, particularly the flavored variety (jalapeno, barbecued, smoked, vanilla, cinnamon, etc.). While not toxic, almonds are not easily digested can give your dog an upset stomach and create gastric intestinal distress.

In theory dogs can eat almonds. In fact, these are better than most of the other nuts out there for them. That being said, just because you can eat something does not mean that you should. That is the case with almonds.

Even though almonds aren’t toxic to dogs, there are some good reasons to avoid giving your dog this nutty treat. Nuts of all types, including almonds, are on the list of foods that cause stomach upset in dogs.

Nuts are rich in monounsaturated fats, which are healthy for humans, but too much fat of any kind increases the risk of pancreatitis in dogs. Pancreatitis can be fatal to your canine best friend, so it’s best to stay from nuts and fatty human foods. Giving your dog food high in fats may earn you a few tail wags, but it could have bad long-term health consequences.

Another reason not to give your dog almonds or other nuts is they can get caught in their throat or intestines, causing an intestinal obstruction that could require surgery. Who wants to put a dog through that?

