
Canine Pancreatitis: Symptoms of Pancreatitis in Dogs

Canine Pancreatitis: Symptoms of Pancreatitis in Dogs

Canine pancreatitis is a condition that causes severe pain in the abdomen due to inflammation of pancreas. To know about symptoms of canine pancreatitis, read on…

The pancreas is a small glandular organ that is located near the stomach. Its main function is to produce enzymes that help digest food. Canine pancreatitis is a painful condition which is caused due to inflammation (swelling) of the pancreas. As a result, the digestive enzymes start leaking causing severe pain. Although, it can occur at any age, it is common in middle-aged dogs. Canine pancreatitis can be, either acute (severe) or chronic. The former occurs suddenly and requires immediate treatment; while, in latter case, the symptoms worsen gradually, leading to irreversible damage to the pancreas. Chances of recovery depend on the severity of the disease. If the dog has acute pancreatitis, the recovery will be slow.

Symptoms of Canine Pancreatitis

Initially, the symptoms of canine pancreatitis are mild, but with the passage of time, they become severe and unbearable. Abdominal pain is a common symptom of canine pancreatitis. Other mild symptoms include:

Lack of appetite

Hunched up posture with shoulders forward and head bent down.



Vomiting and nausea

Swollen abdomen


Color of stool changes to odd yellow.

Mild symptoms are not a cause of concern as they go away on their own, without causing any harm to the canine. As the symptoms progress, the following health problems may develop:

Dehydration (dehydrated canines have sunken eyes and dry mouth)

Difficulty in breathing

Heart arrhythmias

Inflammation of organs that surround the pancreas.

Infection and hemorrhages throughout the body.

Causes of Canine Pancreatitis

There are a number of factors that can trigger this disorder in dogs. Digestive enzymes segregated by the pancreas become active only in the small intestine. However, if these enzymes get prematurely activated in the pancreas, then it may result in swollen pancreas. An unhealthy diet can also lead to the development of canine pancreatitis. Dogs on high fat diets, as well as those fed on table scraps are more susceptible to this disease.

The common causes of pancreatitis in dogs are as follows:


Trauma, such as a severe abdominal injury.

High fatty meals

Unhygienic food (eating garbage food)

Infections that damage the pancreas.

Certain synthetic drugs such as corticosteroids, used to treat conditions like canine arthritis, and potassium bromide, prescribed for seizure control.

Metabolic disorders, such as hyperlipidemia, where the amount of fat in your dog’s blood stream is high. The pancreas try to remove these fats by secreting excessive digestive enzymes. This results in inflammation of the pancreas.

Dogs suffering from diabetes

Treatment for Canine Pancreatitis

Medications that are commonly used to treat canine pancreatitis include antibiotics, analgesics and antiemetics. These medications help to control the pain. In order to prevent recurrence of pancreatitis, dogs should not be given foods with high fat content. Giving rest to the pancreas is essential to cure this disease. This is possible only when food or water is not taken orally for 2 to 5 days or more. Surgical intervention will be required, in cases of intestinal complications or severe inflammation of the pancreas.

Fulfilling the dog’s nutritional needs will help the pancreas to heal. A high fiber and low fat diet will go a long way in managing the illness and help your canine’s pancreas to recover. Diet recommendations as prescribed by the veterinarian, must be strictly followed to achieve optimal health.

