
A Facebook Question About a “Too Skinny” Cat

Tag Archives: weruva

I don’t usually like to do my corresponding on a FB wall (isn’t it sort of like graffiti?) but this question from Mary Lynn was worth answering in detail, and then sharing with the rest of you. Hi Tracie! I … Continue reading →

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Pumpkin Feeling Punk

I got this appeal from Dee in North Carolina — the length shows how attentive she is to her pets’ symptoms and how aware she is of dangers and nutritional issues too — a really great owner! One of our … Continue reading →

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Weruva’s Food is Made in Thailand to Higher Standards than USA Pet Foods!

I got another negative comment about Thailand as a location for Weruva’s food production and it discourages me that Americans are so incorrectly convinced that everything American is necessarily better — and everything from anywhere else (especially the continent of … Continue reading →

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Aussie with One Kidney Needs Weruva

A nice lady name Marsha called into Living Today during my regular 1 PM time there on Wednesdays and was concerned about giving a quality food to her Australian Shepherd who had only one kidney. I cautioned her to give … Continue reading →

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Cats are not Small Dogs Especially with Pancreatitis

Author Laura Jacobs (who came on my show www.AuthorsOnAnimals.com on NPR) with her book The Bird Catcher) has three Ocicats she would do anything for — but she didn’t know the “kitty crack” story. She did feed canned food but … Continue reading →

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Author’s Ocicat Adores Weruva!

I had the wonderful author Laura Jacobs (The Bird Watcher) on my show Authors on Animals (www.AuthorsonAnimals.com) recently and gave her the whole “kitty crack” lecture — she thought her cancer survivor Jasper (she has three Ocicats) needed to be … Continue reading →

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13 Kitties Became 12 While She Waited for Me to Reply

I felt so terrible — I got terribly swamped with email and for months didn’t get around to writing Lori in Culpeper Virginia who had 13 kitties and wanted to know whether Giant foods cat food was made by Weruva … Continue reading →

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Weruva Makes the Cat Food for Giant Brand

Here’s a great question about whether Weruva makes private label food for a big supermarket chain – so I learned something in the process. I am writing in hopes you can help me feed my 13 cats as healthy as … Continue reading →

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Leo is a Weruva Guy Again When Vectra Comes to the Rescue

Dear Tracie, I’m thrilled that the Weruva has resolved my cat Leo’s struvite crystal situation.  However, for the last 3-4 months he has been biting the tip of his tail and chewing on his paws.  The vet thinks he possibly … Continue reading →

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Yes, Weruva is made in Thailand, which holds to HIGHER European Standards

Hi Tracie: I have been a listener of your Cat Chat® show for many years, & I also have your book The Cat Bible. I received an email the other day from you & it mentioned your new food. I … Continue reading →

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