
How to Use Herbs to Cure Pancreatitis in Dogs

By Alicia Bodine

Pancreatitis is found in older dogs that have become overweight due to bad eating habits. Pancreatitis happens when the dogs’ pancreas becomes inflamed. Dogs suffering from pancreatitis will begin to have a lack of appetite, vomit and experience diarrhea, pain in the abdomen, bloating and a fever. If your dog is beginning to show signs of this disease, you may want to begin giving him some herbs.

Step 1
Start giving your dog Prozyme 200g powder. This is a digestive enzyme that will help your dog correctly digest his food and absorb more of the necessary nutrients. Just add 1/4 tsp. of this powder for every cup of dog food to your dog’s food. Your dog won’t even know that it is there.

Step 2
Give your dog two capsules of NF Spectra probiotic twice per day. This probiotic will aid your dog in digestion and give your dog all of the good bacteria that she needs. It will also help combat any diarrhea that your dog has been experiencing.

Step 3
Give your dog a dose of Vitamin C. A great brand for dogs is Only Natural Pet Rosehip C Herbal Formula. Vitamin C is important for stimulating your dog’s immune system. This can also help your dog fight any fatigue he has been experiencing as a result of the pancreatitis.

Step 4
Make sure that your dog gets a dose of Vitamin E. Vitamin E works in conjunction with Vitamin C to speed up the recovery of pancreatitis. It also reduces the amount of attacks experienced by your dog. You can give your dog Science Diet Advanced Protection, which has the Vitamin E supplement right in it. You may also choose to give your dog the straight Vitamin E. In this case you want to administer 3 IU per pound. If your dog is 40 lbs. then you would need to give her 120 IU of Vitamin E.

