
Pancreatitis in Dogs

This article could save your dog’s life ————- THANKS!!! COLUMBO

By: Mark Woodcock

Most cat and dog owners become alarmed when their pets vomit or experiences diarrhea. Yes, it may be from that stick your dog ate in the backyard, or the hairball your cat is trying to cough up, but the attention tends to focus on the stomach. However, the stomach is not always the organ that produces classic “stomachache” signs. The pancreas could be the culprit!

The pancreas is a digestive organ which is responsible for producing enzymes that break up food. In turn these enzymes are delivered to the intestine, where they are activated and become able digest food.

Pancreatitis can result when there is a problem with the transport of enzymes to the intestine. Enzymes either get activated in the pancreas itself or are activated before they get to the intestines. This can lead to irritation of the pancreas or surrounding tissues.

There are two forms of pancreatitis. The acute form springs up suddenly and can be very severe. The chronic form is a mild irritation that may go on for weeks, months, or even years. Dogs are more likely to experience acute pancreatitis and cats the chronic form.

Animals with pancreatitis behave as though they have a stomachache, they refuse to eat and may start to act droopy or lethargic. Vomiting, diarrhea, fever, and abdominal pain may also be seen.

Many predisposing factors can trigger a bout of pancreatitis. Diet is the main cause, especially in dogs. Pancreatitis is a common consequence of a sudden change in your dog’s diet, eating a high-fat meal, or eating garbage.

Other potential causes of pancreatitis include hormonal diseases, such as Cushing’s disease. Pancreatitis can be a side effect of certain drug therapies. Any disease or condition that decreases the blood flow can lead to pancreatitis; examples are shock and prolonged anesthesia.

With cats the causes are less well-known. Toxoplasmosis and irritable bowel syndrome can lead to pancreatitis. Often with both cats and dogs we don’t know what the trigger is.

Diagnosis of pancreatitis is challenging. By taking a biopsy, a sample of the pancreatic tissue and examining it, is the only way to be certain of pancreatitis. Generally a biopsy is not done as this requires surgery and can often worsen the condition. The preferred diagnostic approach is to rely on clinical signs, blood work, diagnostic imaging (radiographs and especially ultrasound), and response to treatment.

There is no single cure for pancreatitis. Treatment involves helping the pancreas function correctly or possibly rest. At the same time any complications need to be controlled and underlying causes need to be resolved. Fasting the animal helps avoid stimulation of the pancreas and allows it time to heal. Other supportive care is vital. Fluid therapy to maintain hydration and blood flow and medication to calm the inflammation are often used. Pancreatitis will in time heal.

The prognosis for chronic pancreatitis in dogs and cats is good. It is a disease that can be controlled effectively with diet and is rarely life threatening.

Acute pancreatitis has a variable prognosis and depends on the severity of the case. Some dogs may experience only one day of sickness, whilst other dogs can go on to experience kidney failure and even death. Pancreatitis is an unpredictable disease that is easier to prevent than to cure. This is why we as owners should not to give fatty treats to the dog, giving fatty treat can cause sudden and sometimes severe problem.

